3-days Hands on Training on SCI Management for Health Workers

18 Dec, 2018

3-days Hands on Training on SCI Management for Health Workers

“3- days Hands on Training on SCI Management for Health Workers ” is ongoing at Spinal injury Rehabilitation Center (SIRC), Sanga, Kavre. This training funded by Australian Aid and organized by Spinal Injury Sangh Nepal (SISN) .

Total 31 participants ( Nurses , Doctors , Physiotherapist and paramedics ) from 16 hospitals from Kathmandu valley and Kavre district have participated in the training . The main objective of this training session is to enhance the knowledge of the trainees about rehabilitation and SCI management so that they are able to provide quality service to their patients and promote timely referrals.

Distinguished guest from Australian embassy , Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal and Specialist doctors from Canada graced the opening ceremony of the training that was held at the training hall of SIRC.