VOICE Centre

Vocational opportunity for Inclusion to Community and Employment (VOICE) is a project run by Spinal Injury Sangh Nepal (SISN) that offers vocational trainings to people with disabilities and their caretakers who come from economically disadvantaged group so that they can participate in income generating activities and reintegrate in their community. VOICE provides a comprehensive vocational rehabilitation program to people with disabilities and their families to be economically independent. It aims to:
– Increase their confidence
– Uplift their economic standard
– Reintegrate them in the community
– Create awareness in the community with people with disabilities

VOICE Centre
VOICE Centre

History of VOICE

SISN Founder Kanak Mani Dixit visited South Korea in one of the disability related conferences in 2012. In the conference, he met the General Security of Korea Spinal Cord Injury Association (KSCIA) where Mr. Dixit proposed KSCIA for the disability tourism in Nepal. Members from KSCIA visited Nepal in 2014 for the survey of the project and they showed their interest in a home modification project which was finally called Back to the Community in Nepal. The project started in January 2015 and was running smoothly but due to a massive earthquake in April 2015, the project of home modification stopped. At the same time, KSCIA and Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center (SIRC) found the need of vocational training center while doing a survey. As a result, VOICE commenced.

On 30 May, 2017, VOICE was inaugurated in the presence of honorable guests like Secretary of Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare – Mr. Khagraj Baral, Korean Ambassador – Mr. Young-sik Park, Chairman of KSCIA –Mr. GeunHeo, Koo and Secretary General of KSCIA – Mr. Elvis Lee. With the generous support of KOICA, KSCIA and the Ministry of Health-Nepal, Phase 1 of the facility is completed. This facility now enables a total of thirty people with spinal cord injuries to acquire training programs such as sewing, embroidery, pickle making and employment orientation at one time. These skills provide a long-term solution to financially troubled patients leading to a better standard of living and economic independence.

VOICE Centre