A visit to SIRC by Korea team

20 Mar, 2015

A visit to SIRC by Korea team

Recently Korean team paid their visit in Nepal from 21st June-1st August.The team consisted of professionals in the field of physical disabilities and rehabilitation, three of them from Korea Spinal Cord Injury Association (KSCIA) and two of them from Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute (KODDI). The main objective of the visit was to assess the possibility of future project between KSCIA, KODDI and Spinal Injury Sangh Nepal (SIRC). They visited different related organizations in Kathmandu and also visited ex-patients of Spinal Centre to assess the effect of rehabilitation in the life of person with Spinal Cord injury and disbility in Nepal. Their visit was coordinated by Spinal Centre.We are very positive that we will be able to work together in future. Thank you KSCIA for your coordination and support.