Manoj Dong

Manoj Dong


Profession Before Injury: Agricultural Worker
Admitted Date: 13/12/2013
Duration of Stay: Seven months

Patient Story

Manoj Dong is 42 years old agri-cultural worker from Ramechhap. Life was going on well for the Dong family until Manoj sus-tained spinal cord injury by falling from the tree.
Following the accident, Manoj was rushed to nearby Health Post from where he was referred to Ne-pal Orthopedic Hospital (NOH) for treatment.. He was diagnosed with compression fractured L2 with AIS-B.

Manoj was surgically managed with Posterior instrumentation for his injury, which strengthened his back. Manoj’s condition brought massive sorrow to the Dong fami-ly. On December 2013, Manoj was brought to Spinal Centre for comprehensive rehabilitation.
Manoj spent seven months at Spi-nal Centre, receiving regular ther-apy and motivation from nurs-es, patients and volunteers. Dur-ing his stay, he had very posi-tive attitude towards all at Spi-nal Centre. Within a few months, the Therapists were successful in helping Manoj re-gain his balance, enabling him to perform activities of daily living, Independent in Wheel-chair, even play a wheelchair Basketball!
Mid last month, prior to his dis-charge, we are all pleased with the progress Manoj showed dur-ing rehabilitation at our Centre. His stay at Spinal Centre was unique and pleasant for all. This month, Manoj left our Centre with his supportive wife to con-tinue his work back home.